The electronic medical record or better known as the EMR has a significant role in healthcare settings and our latest work with primary care providers really pushed us to explore this interface. [...]
The reasons we start talking may be different – for family, to ease the burden on loved ones, for ourselves. At the end of day the important thing is that we all start talking. Listen to [...]
The Conversation Project, an American movement about End-of-Life wishes, shared a clever video about starting conversations about end-of-life care wishes. We know it can be hard, and like The [...]
Rev. Jessica Rodela speaks about how her Unitarian Universalist Congregation has had conversations about end-of-life wishes, values and beliefs and shares the impact these Time to Talk [...]
Michael Clifton, from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, shares how their faith community engages in conversations about end-of-life wishes, values and beliefs.
Fran Pappert-Shannon speaks on behalf of Kitchener Waterloo’s Coalition of Muslim Women about hosting two events focused on Advance Care Planning conversations.
Reverend Monika Wiesner talks about how she brought conversations about end-of-life wishes, values and beliefs to her Lutheran congregation and shares the importance of these conversations.
Six professionals at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement talk about what it means to talk about end-of-life care with their loved ones (Source: The Conversation Project)